The Manchester-by-the-Sea (MBTS) Public Library offers Manchester residents a choice between two library cards:
1). A physical card that accesses all resources provided by the Library — on-shelf and electronic. To obtain a physical card, you will need to come into the Library to complete an application. Please read the patron rules and regulations below before applying at the Library. When you come to the Library, please bring with you:
- a current photo ID
- MBTS address verification, and
- if available, the library card or its barcode issued to you from a Massachusetts Public Library
2). A Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (MVLC) eCard with immediate access to electronic resources, such as e-books, e-audiobooks, e-magazines, streaming music and video, and databases provided by MVLC, the State, and/or Manchester-by-the-Sea Public Library. This option is open to patrons who do not already have an MVLC library card.
You are eligible to apply for an MVLC library eCard if you:
- are a resident of Massachusetts, and
- do not currently have a library card from an MVLC member library.
This link opens the MVLC online application. Note that fully verified patrons with an MVLC eCard are eligible to convert to a physical library card at any time. Please see #1 above. Please call the Library if you have questions – 978-526-7711 or send an email.
- Public Library membership is based on residency. Manchester-by-the-Sea property taxes support the Library’s operations. Therefore, local identification is required to obtain a Manchester-by-the-Sea Public Library card. For other Massachusetts residents, your hometown public library card will be registered in the Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (MVLC) database.
- When your account is set up, initially your Personal Identification Number (PIN) is the last 4 digits of the phone number you indicated at the time of your Library card registration. To change your PIN or to make other changes to your account, go to and open My Account from the navigation bar.
- Your Library records and patron information are confidential. A cardholder’s privacy is protected by law, regardless of age. Library staff will only discuss an individual’s account with that person present.
- The Commonwealth of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 266, Section 99A details theft of materials or property from libraries. Willfully concealing and removing library materials or property; charging out materials or property and neglecting to return them is theft and may result in legal action pursuant to this law, as well as permanent suspension of library privileges and/or access to the building for the offender and/or all persons in their residence. Loss of privileges would extend to all libraries in the MVLC Consortium.
- You are responsible for all items checked out on your Library card. DO NOT loan your card unless you are willing to assume that responsibility.
- Those staying with family/friends in Manchester may use their host’s Library card but only with the host’s permission. The card must be presented to check out items. No items will be checked out without the host’s card.
- Please return materials on time and in the same condition as borrowed. When returning compact discs or DVDs, please use the media slot in the book drop on Church Street.
- If you move or lose your Library card, please notify the Library immediately.
- All children, infants to 7 years old, must be accompanied and supervised by a parent, caregiver, or other responsible adult.