Printing Costs:

  • Computer printing: 10 cents per page, 25 cents color printing
  • Copy machine: 20 cents per page
  • Fax and scanning services: $1.00 for up to 5 pages, fax per phone number dialed; outgoing only

Public Internet Use

Manchester Public Library public-access computers are a valuable asset to the residents of Manchester and therefore permission to use them is given based on the presentation of a valid Massachusetts public library card, or, for out-of-state visitors, presentation of identification. Visitors under 12 without a library card must have an adult with an identification sign in for them.

  • Patrons must sign in and out at the circulation desk. Printing is 10 cents per page b & w, 25 cents per page for color including pages printed in error. You are responsible for all print jobs.
    • Parents are solely responsible for supervision of content, safety, security, and access to minors.
    • Computer use is limited to one hour per day. You may continue use if no one is waiting. Priority will be given to patrons who have not yet used the computers this day.
    • Patrons are not allowed to save any files on library computers.
    • No more than 2 persons may use one workstation at one time.
    • The Library does not take responsibility for any personal accounts accessed on public internet computers. When using pass-worded services, be sure to log off the service when finished. Users should be advised that because security is technically difficult to achieve in a public environment, electronic transactions and files could become public.
    • Library staff is not available for drop-in computer training. Training sessions are scheduled on an individual basis. Ask at the Reference desk. Reference assistance is available for electronic databases subscribed to by the Library.
    • Please do not attempt to reboot or make other adjustments to the computers or printers. Do not switch terminals when having a problem. Ask for assistance.
    • Do not attempt to download, upload or install additional programs to the computer. Not every internet program or email attachment is supported on library computers.
    • The workstations will be shut down 15 minutes before the Library closes.
    • We regret that in the event of terminal downtime, maintenance, or library programs, this service will not be available.
    • Whether using a library computer or a personal laptop, patrons are expected to refrain from displaying graphics which are inappropriate for public viewing or playing audio that disturbs other patrons. Violations of the policies and regulations that govern the use of the library’s computers and internet resources will result in suspension or loss of the privilege to use these resources. A patron will receive one verbal warning. The second offence will result in a 30-day suspension of internet privileges. A repeat offence will result in permanent loss of internet privileges.