Press November 20, 2023
Connect with the MBTS Public Library
Phone: 978-526-7711
Public Wifi: MBTSLibraryWifi / Password: library1887
Friends of the Manchester Public Library Holiday Book Fair and Christmas by the Sea
Friday, December 1 at 4:00 – 8:00PM
At the FPC Parish Hall located behind Santander Bank, join the Friends of the Manchester Public Library to peruse the hottest new book titles from the Beverly Farms Bookstore! Adults and children’s books, stocking stuffers, wrapping paper, cards, and more. 20% of sales will support the Friends of the Manchester Library. For more info on the Christmas by the sea festivities visit
Library Closing Early Wednesday, 11/22 and Closed All Day 11/23 and 11/24 for Thanksgiving
The library will reopen on Saturday 11/25 at its normal hours. Many of the library’s free digital resources are available from anywhere 24/7. Visit and use your library card to access.
Future Plans at the Library
Manchester-by-the-Sea Public Library is preparing a grant application for the next round of construction grant funding from the state. To apply for the grant, which is due next Spring, we are preparing a Library Building Program, a planning document which identifies what the community wants and needs from their library in the next few decades. To begin that process, we need lots of community feedback.
Please take our survey! to take the survey online, to use your own phone or device, or pick up a paper copy at the library.
News & Events for Kids
*To register for the programs below and more: or call 978-526-7711
*Lego Fun!
Saturday, November 25 at 2:00—3:00PM
Children ages 4-12 are invited to come to the library to build their own spectacular Lego creations. We’ve got tons of Legos for you to make the project of your dreams!
Lindsay and Her Puppet Pals and Christmas by the Sea
Saturday, December 2 at 10:30-11:30AM
Join wonderful puppet artist Lindsay for a holiday puppet show! This event will be held at FPC Parish Hall (Located behind Santander Bank) and is for children of all ages and their families. A great way to kick off the holiday season! For more info on the Christmas by the sea festivities visit
*Make a Graham Cracker Gingerbread House
Thursday, December 14 at 5:30PM
Families are invited to the library to come make their own gingerbread house out of graham crackers. Design your own candy wonderland! Registration is required.
News & Events for Adults
*To register for the programs below and more: or call 978-526-7711
From Darkness — Color
Paintings by Allison Moir-Smith
Concussion Recovery Art
On Display From November 6 – December 4 during normal library hours.
*Painting Class Series
Wednesday, November 29 at 11:00AM—12:00PM
Local artist, Allison Moir-Smith, whose work is on exhibit at the library this month will be offering beginner, brain injury and arthritis friendly painting classes on November 29. All adults of any skill level are welcome. Artists will work on their skills by painting the same subject with acrylic twice in the session.
Allison Moir-Smith is a concussion activist, public speaker, brain-injury art teacher, and facilitator of an online concussed moms support group, Allison lives in Manchester- by-the-Sea with her family. For more information, visit and @concussion_recovery_art on Instagram.
*Cookbook Club: “The Book on Pie”
Tuesday, November 28 at 5:30—6:15PM
The Cookbook Club meets once a month to share recipes from a new cookbook off our library shelves. November’s pick is “The Book On Pie : Everything You Need To Know To Bake Perfect Pies” by Erin Jeanne McDowell .
Erin Jeanne McDowell will be presenting a virtual baking demo on Tuesday, December 5 at 7:00PM. If you are interested in more pie related programs.
Register for any recipe from the cookbook. We will email you a recipe and/or put a cookbook on hold for you. Please register so we know how much cutlery to have on hand. Email with any questions.
Hearthside Book Group
Tuesday, December 5 at 4:00-5:00PM
On Tuesday, December 5 join us in person at the library or on ZOOM to discuss “The Art Thief” by Michael Finkel.
“The true story of the world’s most prolific art thief–a spellbinding portrait of obsession and flawed genius, from the bestselling author of ‘The Stranger in the Woods.’
For centuries, works of art have been stolen in countless ways from all over the world, but no one has been quite as successful at it as the master thief Stéphane Breitwieser. Carrying out more than two hundred heists over nearly ten years–in museums and cathedrals all over Europe–Breitwieser, along with his girlfriend who worked as his lookout, stole more than three hundred objects, until it all fell apart in spectacular fashion.”
Contact Lori Dumont at or at 978-526-7711 for further information. Copies of this book are available at the circulation desk, curbside pickup or by home delivery.
*Baking Demo and Discussion with Chef Erin Jeanne McDowell (Virtual)
Tuesday, December 5 at 7:00—8:00PM
Who doesn’t like a bit of holiday baking? We are so pleased to welcome Chef and Cookbook Author Erin Jeanne McDowell to our virtual stage! Erin will demonstrate how to make one of her favorite recipes and then will have some time to chat with attendees about all our “burning” questions. We will be cooking recipes from one of her cookbooks, “The Book on Pie” for November’s Cookbook Club on 11/28 at 5:30PM.
Dementia Friends Presentation
Thursday, December 7 at 5:30-7:00PM
Visit the library for a free information session and discussion led by volunteer Dementia Friends Champions, Abby Considine and Carrie Johnson. You’ll learn what dementia is, what it’s like to live with it, and some tips for communicating with people who have dementia.
Dementia Friends is a global movement developed by the Alzheimer’s Society in the United Kingdom and now underway in Massachusetts and across the United States. To learn more, visit or contact Beth Soltzberg at