Library News

Press April 17, 2023

Decorative Background Swoosh

Manchester READS 2023 April 1 – April 29  

We will be celebrating laughter, humor and joy with the theme “Lighten Up at the Library.” Visit or stop by the library to check out the display and fun upcoming events.  

Friends of Manchester Library Accepting Book Donations for Annual Book Sale

The time has come to bring all those books you have been saving for the annual used book sale on August 5. Bring your books to the Manchester Middle High School parking lot on April 29, May 20 or June 10 between 9AM-12PM. Please only donate books you would be willing to buy, no ripped pages, mold or broken spines. Please do not drop off books at any other time – they cannot be accepted. 

Earth Day 2023 Zero Waste Challenge Begins April 28

MBTS Zero Waste ChallengeMBTS Zero Waste Challenge Weigh In 
Friday, April 28 – Friday, May 5Friday, May 5 at 3:00 PM—5:00 PM 

Did you know that the average person throws out approximately 5 pounds of trash a day? The Manchester-by-the-Sea Sustainability Committee and the Manchester Public Library invite you to join us in the Earth Day 2023 Zero Waste Challenge. 

MBTS residents can bring whatever trash you collected between April 28- May 5 at 3-5PM on May 5 to the Sustainability Committee table at the library to have your trash weighed. 

 The household with the lowest weeklong trash accumulation will receive the honor of being Manchester-by-the-Sea’s 2023 Zero Waste Champion! Prizes include a 7 Seas Whale Watch gift certificate, and everyone gets a Captain Dusty coupon. Register at 

Children’s News & Events

*Please register for all programs on our website: 

A New Story Walk is Here!   

Enjoy a new story that takes flight into spring: “Luke on the Loose” by our Manchester Reads author / illustrator Harry Bliss.  Readers of all ages will enjoy this comic-style reader featuring a young boy happily lost in NYC.    

PJ Family Story Time 

Thursday, April 20th at 5:30PM 

Join Ms. Carol for bedtime stories.  It’s fun to bring a stuffed animal friend and wear your PJs! 

Flora Has an Adventure with Karin Gertsch  

Monday, May 1 at 3:30PM 

Join local author & illustrator, Karin Gertsch, on a reading adventure of her story about Flora, a chicken who goes on a visit to the library!  A craft will follow the program.  Perfect for kiddos preK-K and their caregivers, but all ages are welcome to join the fun.      

*Read to Gus, the Therapy Dog 

Thursday, May 4 AT 3:30PM  

Deb Kaneb and Gus, a Certified Reading Partner and Therapy Dog, are back and looking forward to hearing stories read by YOU!  Reading with a certified reading dog helps to build confidence with a safe, nonjudgmental partner. Sign up for a 15-minute appointment and make sure to bring a favorite book or allow time to pick out your just right book at the library. 

Teen Loft Announcements & Events

*To register for the programs below and more: 

*College Essay Brainstorming Workshop 

Tuesday, April 25 at 6:30-8:00PM 

College will be here before you know it, high school juniors!  Get an early jump on writing your application essays by attending this helpful brainstorming session with local high school English teacher Tracy Stephens.  You know you’ve got great personal stories to share — get some expert tips on how to put them into words. REGISTRATION REQUIRED. 

News & Events for Adults

*To register for the programs below and more: 

Diversity Book Group  

Tuesday, April 25th at 5:30PM

The group will finish a two-month read of “Born in Blackness: Africa, Africans, and the Making of the Modern World, 1471 to the Second World War” by Howard French. In honor of AAPI Heritage Month, Diversity Book Group has two graphic non-fiction books to pick up any time in April at the front desk: 

“They Called US Enemies” by George Takai. Star Trek actor Takei shares his family story of time in a US internment camp for Japanese American citizens.

“The Best We Could Do” by Thi Bui, Her family’s daring escape after the fall of South vietnam is captured in “A book to break your heart and heal it”.―Viet Thanh Nguyen, Pulitzer Prize winning novelist.

All are welcome to read either or both and join in the discussion of these books, which will be our May meeting.

*Author Louise Gray discusses “Avocado Anxiety …” (Virtual) 

Saturday, April 22 at 10—11AM 

Have you ever wondered who picked your Fairtrade banana? Or why we can buy British strawberries in April? How far do you think your green beans travelled to get to your plate? And where do all the wonky carrots go? Above all, how do we stop worrying about our food choices and start making decisions that make a difference? In an effort to make sense of the complex food system we are all part of, Louise Gray decides to track the stories of our five-a-day, from farm to fruit bowl, and discover the impact that growing fruits and vegetables has on the planet. 

MBTS Reads 2023: Mocktail Happy Hour at the Library 

Wednesday, April 26 at 4—5 PM 

In honor of Lighten Up at the Library , our Manchester Reads theme, fun books, National Library Week, and a proclivity for mocktails, Lori and Sara will present books that have comic stories, characters, and or authors that tickle the funny bone. Join us in-person and enjoy book recommendations and a mocktail or two! Adults book recommendations only. Registration is encouraged but not required. 

Mindfulness Meditation 

Every Other Thursday, April 27 at 11AM—12PM 

Alida Bryant is a Dharma Leader and meditation instructor under the guidance of Anam Thubten Rinpoche. She has been meditating for over 30 years (still very much a beginner!) and studying and practicing with lineage holders in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome. There will be guided meditation, some silence, and discussion. Registration is requested but not required. 

*MBTS Reads 2023: 100 Years of Boston Comedy 

Thursday, April 27 at 5:30—6:30 PM 

Join us in-person as veteran arts journalist Nick Zaino explores Boston’s long history of comedy, from vaudeville to YouTube, highlighting some of the personalities that have defined laughter in America for 100 years. 

*MBTS Reads 2023: Mushroaming – Hunting Morels in the Pacific North West, Truffles in Italy and Porcini in Colorado 

Saturday, April 29 at 11:00 AM—12:15PM 

Join local mushroom expert, in-person for a whirlwind tour of mushroom hunting around the world. We will demystify their growth patterns in various regions, techniques and what to expect while hunting and harvesting them and even how to cook them in these widespread regions of the world. There will be time for discussion and Q&A. Registration is required and space is limited.  

Hearthside Book Group  

Tuesday, May 2 at 4-5PM 

 Join us in person at the library or on Zoom to discuss the novel “The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post:” a novel  by Allison Pataki. Contact Lori Dumont at or at 978-526-7711 for further information. Copies of this book are available at the circulation desk, curbside pickup or by home delivery.