Press January 17, 2023
Children’s News & Events
*please register for all programs on our website:
*Seasonal Stories & BIngo
Monday, January 23 at 3:30PM
Join Ms. Carol for winter stories and picture bingo. For children ages 3-6 and their caregivers. Registration is required, with a minimum of 3 children needed to play.
*Read to Gus, Certified Therapy Dog
Thursday, January 26 at 3:30PM
Deb Kaneb and Gus, a Certified Reading Partner and Therapy Dog, are back and looking forward to hearing stories read by YOU! Reading with a certified reading dog helps to build confidence with a safe, nonjudgmental partner. Sign up for a 15-minute appointment and make sure to bring a favorite book or allow time to pick out your just right book at the Library.
*The Snow Maiden: a Waldorf Puppet Story Time
Monday, January 30 at 3:30PM
Join the Snow Maiden and her friends for a special adventure in this special puppet story time presented by our friends from The Waldorf School at Moraine Farm. This program is especially suited to preschool aged children and their families.
*1/2 Day of School Movie Afternoon for kids ages 8+,
Wednesday, February 1 at 1PM
Join us in the Children’s Room for an action-packed afternoon with this 2018 animated, super-hero story featuring Miles Morales. You’ll be in the know for when the much-anticipated sequel is released in June 2023. Rated PG. For more information and to register, please visit our website.
MPL Teen Loft Announcements & Events:
*please register for all programs on our website:
*Discover Tarot
Saturday, February 4 at 2:00—3:30PM
How can a deck of cards tell you the story of your life? Tarot began as a game but has evolved into so much more. It illuminates our life path through pictures and helps us navigate how to move forward towards our true destiny. Join tarot teacher, Laura Campagna, for a fun workshop to learn how to read tarot. No experience necessary. Participants will connect with their intuition and gain confidence in reading for themselves or friends. You can bring your own Tarot deck, if you have one or the library will supply you with a deck. Please also bring a journal and pen or pencil. This program is for ages 12 – Adult and registration is required.
News & Events for Adults
*please register for all programs on our website:
Make Tiny Art Events this January
Show of your talents in the Tiny Art Show Reception on Saturday Jan 21 at 1:30-3PM. Submit your work by January 20 as long as it is 3in by 3in in size.
Not sure what to create? Attend the Made by Hand: Paint Pouring event on January 19 at 4-5pm and submit what you create that day. Any artwork submitted by Jan 20th will be entered into a raffle for an art kit. Any submitted artwork needs the following info: the name of the artist, the title of the artwork, a contact email or phone number and the age of the artist.
Mystery Book Group
Friday, January 27 at 10:30—11:30AM
The Manchester Mystery Book Group meets on the last Friday of the month at 10:30 AM. December’s meeting will occur in the library’s reading room & over Zoom. We will discuss “21 Immortals: Inspector Mislan and the Yee Sang Murders” by Mohd Noor, Rozlan. Physical copies will be available at the circulation desk in late December but we have limited copies available or you can check out a digital audiobook and ebook through the Hoopla app. Use your MBTS library card to sign up for Hoopla for free. February’s pick will be “Mission Hill” by Wechsler, Pamela. Physical copies will be available at the circulation desk in late December. New members are always welcome.
*Chaco & Aztec: The Center of the World (Virtual)
Tuesday, January 31 at 7:00—8:00PM
Chaco Cultural National Historical Park and Aztec Ruins National Monument are preserves and a major centers of Ancestral Pueblo culture, dating between 850 and 1250CE. Today Chaco Canyon seems to be in the middle of nowhere; however, 1,000 years ago, this was the Center Place for the American Pueblo people, the middle of everything! Buried for hundreds of years under wind-blown sands, the monumental complexes they constructed were occupied for several centuries and ultimately left behind whisper echoes from the past of a complex and sophisticated society continued by their descendants today. This presentation takes us into the lives of the Ancestral pueblo people of Northwest New Mexico. We’ll look at the largest man-made structures in North America (up until the mid-1800s), examine the mysteries of the Chaco roads and explore the solar and lunar alignments built into these monumental structures.
This program is offered in partnership with the Rockport Public Library and other MA libraries.
*Mindfulness Meditation
Thursday, February 2 at 11:00AM—12:00PM
Alida Bryant is a Dharma Leader and meditation instructor under the guidance of Anam Thubten Rinpoche. She has been meditating for over 30 years (still very much a beginner!) and studying and practicing with lineage holders in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.
Meditation, fundamentally, is about getting to know ourselves better. The mind is a powerful thing, and often leads us on a merry chase that does not always serve us. So, we practice becoming familiar with it, coaxing it into the present moment, where it finds rest and ease… and then we do, too. We will learn that thoughts are not a problem in meditation – they are very much a part of our experience, but usually we don’t notice them. We’ll explore the meaning of the saying “You don’t have to believe everything you think!” (I have the bumper sticker to prove it!) Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome. There will be guided meditation, some silence, and discussion. Registration is requested but not required so join us every other Thursday in February and March.